even with dreams” Sentier gave me the opportunity to collaborate with three really special women, each of them were inspirations of small special projects that were made with so much care and passion,
and that you can find and buy
in the online shop. Here are their stories
Pier Paola Canè
It was on an April evening, in a restaurant of mutual friends, that I met Paola and her husband, Angelo, in front of a roasted pork knuckle with potatoes (yes, you read that right, pork knuckle in Formentera!). A friendship that grows stronger with every return to the island. A friendship that turns into a collaboration, bringing Paola’s watercolors from the deep blue of the sea and the reds of the sunsets to snowy mountains and blooming meadows. Through Sentier, Paola rediscovers a connection to her past. The watercolors she paints for Sentier remind her of her family and the mountain trips from her childhood.
Mimi Thorrison
Authenticity is still a value, and you can feel it. It was during one of these dinners, between oven-roasted quail and tarte Tatin, that I told her about Sentier. Both deeply in love with life and Italian traditions, we decided to bring this project to life: a collaboration on a limited-edition capsule collection of Friulane, featuring hand-embroidered personalized initials. The shared passion for Italian heritage and for all those simple things that evoke emotions and memories did the rest.
Meredith Erickson
“Times change, life kicks you in the face a couple of times, and all of a sudden you find yourself
skiing under storm-black skies, from Plain Maison to Riffealp in Zermatt and all
to taste a plate of Zürcher Geschnetzeltes, veal rags in the Zurich way
“-so Gabriele Stabile writes in an excerpt of an interview with Meredith
Erickson that appeared in Cook on the occasion of the presentation of the book “Alpine
Cooking.” A cookbook. A journey. A life story.
I discovered Meredith through Instagram, though I can’t remember exactly how. I immediately
ordered his book. A book that I love and that everyone should have above the table
in the kitchen. In January 2020, a month before the pandemic, I met Meredith
over dinner at Brite de Larieto. A restaurant in Cortina, to which Nicola and I are very
attached. After collaborating with Mimi I dreamed of a collaboration with
Meredith as well, two women as profoundly different as Friulane dalle Pedule are,
but with the same passion for cooking and authentic things. Between a Lagrain-Abbazia
and a Sylvaner-Kofererhof we listened to her story: seven years spent among the
Italian, Austrian, French and Swiss Alps to collect everything that you
later read in the book. After that dinner I thought how I could collaborate with her, and so
the idea of Sentier’s Alpine Guide was born.